Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Breast Feeding To Man In Public

ends successful first year

• In the last session of 2009, discussed the production of biofuels from the trees, a situation that would be very favorable to Chile because of the conditions of the forest industry.
• More than 650 people attended the coffee cycle that began in May this year.
• Activity framed in the 90 years at the University of Concepción, Concepción consolidated as a reference about the popularization of science.

With the theme "Biofuels from trees: utopia or reality?", He end the Browns junior scientists in our city to about fifty people who discussed the need for biofuels in our country.

The event, hosted as usual by the Biotechnology Center at the University of Concepción (CBUdeC), the Explora CONICYT Bío Bío and Extension Department of the University of Concepcion, was held at the House of Art at the University of Concepción.

The guest on this occasion was the Director of the Center for Biotechnology UdeC, Dr. Jaime Rodriguez, who spoke about energy policy, the short time remaining motor oil as a source of our current society, such as Brazil and Latin America , national news on this issue, global warming, among other topics.

Rodriguez started the conversation about oil and its imminent end. "Oil every day is going to be getting scarcer. We have to worry about energy policies and no doubt bioenergy will be a vital element in this problem " said.

Where will the energy we need to maintain our standard of living? One of the questions that the world is questioned today, and Chile is in a very bad situation to speak of a country self-sufficient in energy.

According to Rodríguez, Chile imports 72% of the energy and oil, 98%. "It's as if we have oil. The 2% is useless. The 96% we import coal because ours is not of good quality. "

For the expert, the only possible solution in the short term to improve the energy situation in our country, and mass is the use of liquid fuels, specifically ethanol. " biofuels in general, being renewable, help diversify energy sources and reduce dependence on imported oil."

Other doubts were cleared during the debate was: Can we (as a country) bioenergy and food while being power? For Rodriguez, an alternative is needed that does not compete with food resources because it brings social and political problems. "If we start to plant instead of food, plantations that are processed into biofuels, poor countries will die of hunger. Or if you want wheat and we began to turn into ethanol, the next day the price of bread soars. " Positive


The session ended with the energy comparison has the advantage that Brazil with the rest of South America because not only has vast deposits of oil, but have also instilled a "green" policy and developed biotechnology for production of biofuels. "Brazilians are finally 'free', are completely energy independent. No need to import any single drop of oil, sell oil, ethanol and sell it they can say for about 3 years ago. "

The debate continued with the round of questions from the audience and ended after 2 hours of discussion to take place, for this year, a cherished dream finally came true and which are carried out with achieving success in our city to raise the attention of schoolchildren, university students, Concepción.

Manual Cb Presidente Lincoln

Science Café clears doubts on trawling in our country

The advantages and disadvantages of this technique brings to human life were discussed at the beautiful landscapes of Buchupureo.

"Trawling" was the theme for a dozen attendees gathered in the hotel "La Joya del Mar" Beach Buchupureo to discuss the effect of this art in the marine ecosystem.

This Seventh Science Café, organized by the Biotechnology Center CBUdeC, the program scans CONICYT Bío Region Bio and Extension Department of the University of Concepción, had as its guest speaker Ruben Alarcón Fisheries Research Institute (INPESCA) and who is actually in charge of the Programme of demersal fishery monitoring.

Along with a coffee company and the beautiful scenery of the beach located 10 miles Cobquecura, opened the debate on the pros and cons that is trawling for the welfare of the underwater world and the benefits it gives the human population in the Eighth Region. Much

worldwide debate about the use of this method of fishing and Chile is no slouch. Have even tabled some parliamentary motions for the eventual elimination of trawling or bottom of within 200 miles of our maritime territory. That is why the debate within their neutrality, would disclose the implications it has for the population using this technique.

Overexploitation, catch, damage to marine life legislation in Chile and the situation in our region were (among others) the issues of greatest interest among the audience.

Alarcon began his presentation contextualising and framing the issue with the official figures supplied by agencies. "According to the FAO, from early 90's to 40% of fish for human consumption due to trawling, in contrast to the 80% that existed between 1950 and 1985. "

also assure that the decline in the catch of hake are due to many factors, among which are the climatic phenomenon "El Niño", the explosive increase in numbers recorded the arrival of the cuttlefish (natural predator hake) to the Pacific coast from California to Chile, etc. are the reasons why the fishing has been unable to meet their quotas.

also referred to the will now have fisheries managers to be adjusted on certification and improve the fisheries law rather than eliminating it altogether in our country, ensuring that the industry is ready for a change that may reduce profits, but that is for good for the environment and marine species who are disadvantaged in the exercise of bottom fishing.

"Will improve the law and not eliminate trawling, yes, in fact, Venezuela is the only country in the world that has been removed. Employers want the state to put certification on each ship so that there is better regulation of fishing quotas "
said the expert.

was 2 hours of debate that culminated, as each scientific café, with a little recognition for participants more interested and the invitation for the next coffee with the theme "Alternative Energy: Potential Regional and National."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Difference Vbetween Cydia And Icy

Evolution, the most influential idea was discussed biology sixth Scientific

The origin of humans and all species on planet Earth has long been an enigma to the man. However, 150 years ago, a young naturalist, traveled the world for 5 years, on a trip that changed the history of mankind to submit a response to both revolutionary and controversial.

Titled "Darwin: Origin and legacy of a revolutionary idea" held the Sixth Science Café at the Municipal Library of Design and attended by Dr. Rodrigo Medel, President of the Chilean Society of Evolution and Dr. Marco Mendez, a researcher at the Laboratory of Genetics and Evolution of the Faculty Science at the University of Chile.

Organized by the Biotechnology Center CBUdeC, the program scans CONICYT Bío Bío Region and the Directorate of Extension, University of Concepción, Café focused mainly on the famous text of 150 years ago "The Origin of Species" book in which Charles Darwin released his findings and conclusions after 5 years of scientific observations aboard the Beagle. He opened the conversation

Dr. Marco Mendez noting that the idea of \u200b\u200bevolution is one of the most important intellectual revolutions in human history because it generated a dramatic change in how humans perceive the world and even more man's place on the planet.

"Darwin postulated a coherent theory of evolution based on solid evidence, based on deep reflections in nearly 20 years of study. This is very important because at that time many scientists believed that each body was the work of the creator (God) said Méndez.

Dr. Mendez explained how, on board the Beagle, Darwin initially participated in research as a naturalist, collecting samples and then sending them to England. It is here where he met another naturalist (Richard Owens) who helped in the formulation of some of its tenets. While intellectuals before Darwin accepted the idea of \u200b\u200bevolutionary relationships between organisms and could not satisfactorily explain these changes occurred, or its mechanisms (Lamarck is an example of this).

After his presentation, Dr. Mendez led to the intervention of Dr. Rodrigo Medel, President of the Chilean Society of Evolution who spoke about the use of scientific (or scientific method) in the practice of biology and science in general and in the case of Darwin.

"We biologists, ecologists and evolutionary biologists, we employ the scientific method to make our research as it allows us to distinguish what is science from what is not. (...) Science has a set of principles and try to explain the natural world and their explanations are tested should always be rejected by other scientists. Only then will we actually do science. " said Medel.

Also, Dr. Medel referred to the stereotype that often has the population of scientists. "We work with induction, generating models. Then the stereotypical mad scientist, the scientist Einsteinian, bone white hair all Chascona, far from these images, we are completely normal people " in relation to the way in which today looks at those who make and / or science did as Darwin and Einstein.

was an hour and a half of conversation where more than 80 enthusiasts spoke of natural selection, evolution and science in general, that at about 21:30 am ended to applause.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gay Cruising Spots On Long Island Ny

The pigs also fly, graphite on canvas.

The Perfect Crime (dedicated to Tom Yorke and tribute to Jean Baudrillard), graphite on canvas.

Jorge Luis Borges, graphite on canvas.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Does Glucosamine Chondroitin Pills Smell, Gnc?

The Betrayal of appearances

Prandini for the installation of John Joseph Wally "The Betrayal of appearances" held at the International Festival Olavarria Short with Music Tortoise.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sleep Apnea And High Hemoglobin

Installation in the International Short Film Festival

Saturday, June 27, 2009

How Much Can I Sell My Pearls For

Olavarria Works 2009

Series appearances betrayal ", mixed media.

Series appearances betrayal ", oil on canvas.

Series betrayal appearances ", acrylic on canvas.

Series:" treachery of appearances ", oil on canvas.