Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Quote By Or About This Person Deborah Sampson


The German rider riding for his radio and indoor city, very good style ... RADIOBIKES

Willem Van Gansen - Radio Bikes from GroundedBMX on Vimeo .

Gatwway Nv5927u Motherboard

Hace unos días Juan Ruiz " MANKIND " , Robert Sans " VOLUME & DEMOLITION su hermano y Jorge Jimenez, estuvieron en una competi que se hizo en Portugal , la Legend Bikes Jam .  Aquí tenéis el vídeo.

                     Portimao / We Are Legend BMX Jam from April 2011 Merlin Flatland on Vimeo .

Rooms With Yellow And Mustards


The Russian pole shoves butt for an hour in the indoor:

GORDEY POWER HOUR from nikitapugachev on Vimeo .

Cyst In Ultrasound Edwards Syndrome

Fernando Marmolejo this these days with the team 360BICYCLES & Laclau the trip south of Spain.

"Best of all, we all came to Granada Wednesday night. In the van of Lluis was Tomas, Nil and Jaume Yeste, I arrived by car from Seville and began Chilling. The next day we were in the ball park of gold, very good park but Campillo is a little sloppy ...
And from that day did not stop raining, we were yesterday in the pool of Mijas and Sevilla now waiting for the rain stops, more news soon "



Friday, April 29, 2011

Jose Eber Staightners Vs Ghd

Eupithecia is a genus of moths of the geometrid family spread around the world. Their caterpillars are the traditional vegetarian diet except in Hawaii, where isolation has allowed the emergence of species whose caterpillars are carnivorous, and more particularly predators. Their technique, based on mimicry, is excellent. A view is.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Review Regen Hair Vitalizer

Hawaiian caterpillar hunter "While orbiting the Earth ...

Yuri Gagarin "While orbiting the Earth in my spaceship I marveled at the beauty of our planet. People of the world, safeguard and enhance this beauty, not destroy it!"

Yuri Gagarin

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Toronto Limousine License

Inquiries pictorial Cultural Center San Jose

Today I had a meeting and talk with students of Visual Arts in my city, coordinated by teacher and artist Gino Pianciola. It was an interesting opportunity to bond with students studying in his studio about the process of gestation of the work. Gino performs this activity with your students whenever the opportunity arises, particularly in order to provide the knowledge of the artists in your community.

"28 years", installation with oils.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Instructions For Jolen Face Bleach

The top ten conspiracy theories

conspiracion 11-S
10. The evil multinational pharmaceutical
keep people sick and hide medical information of interest to thereby have a buoyant market.
9. Satanic cults
His faithful abduct children (and girls, of course) to rape and torture in their macabre rituals.
8. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Origin of the persecution of the Jews over the past two centuries.
7. The Roswell case
The main evidence that we are being visited by alien intelligence, declared top secret by the U.S. government.
6. The Kennedy assassination
Who organized crime? The White House knows it.
5. The death of Paul McCartney
happened in 1965, but cleverly concealed The Beatles.
4. The man on the moon
thing that ever happened. I had already commented here ...
3. Subliminal advertising
Able to change his car even though deep down do not want.
2. The death of Princess Diana
was not accidental, but murder. The father of Dodi Al-Fayed should say something.
Y 1. The 11-S
was not orchestrated by Bin Laden, but by the U.S. government itself.

(I've taken from Live Science )

Friday, April 22, 2011

How Much Does Staci London Make

A hypnotic fractal

is not the first time that I speak of fractals, those fascinating shapes arising 's mind Mandelbrot, and characterized because its structure is repeated to infinity at different scales. The creators of the GIF image that I found in Likecool have achieved an effect that will agree with me that it is tiring, maybe it was a little slower ... in short, as I feel very good example. And now, I recommend you go down to see older posts and remove this visual nuisance of the screen. You can also leave the blog, but remember that you can come back anytime.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mount Blade 1,011 Klucz Licencyjny

Man, that multicellular animal

ser humano
Here are some excerpts from the last test I corrected unit 'Man, a multicellular animal' . Mea culpa.

"The core contains the information generitaria."
"The muscle tissue is the third body."
"It's very difficult to get into a cell" (in a question on transport through the membrane).
"A prokaryotic cell is one that has an artificial heart."
"The prokaryotic cell sends information to our body."
"In the chromosomes is the ID information of the embryo."
"The organelles where cellular respiration takes place are pitocondrias."
"The xeno is a fundamental part of the body. When not working You can go to the hospital and put you on a waiting list. When you call you transplanted the xenophobia that is in good condition and function normally "(in a question about xenotransplantation).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chemotherapy What Are The Advantages

Street makes a permanent contract to a homeless

Four chain has formalized its working relationship with Manuel, a beggar who has appeared in various reports of Streets.

Daniel Gavela, director general of the chain, explained that "until now had not been able to make a contract to Don Manuel due to the lack of a fixed address . In recent months we have seen a freelancer and collaborations have been duly grateful to loin sandwiches, brick de Don Simon and a sleeping bag Decathlon. "

Four A legal adviser added that "it was technically and legally impossible to remunerate Manuel until we provide a verifiable tax residence. It seems that now has a permanent address in the tunnel of Nuevos Ministerios and the truth is that when reporters need four always been located there. "

When asked whether it is possible fiche Four other outcasts, deputy director of the program, Sonia Lopez says that "at first we had arisen, because some are just taking enough care. However we must be realistic: sausages, drug addicts and drug traffickers are not the kind of person that one can come to trust. We all remember the Vanity Ramon, "dear, not you, because someone had the bright idea to invite a business dinner and end the police had to come."

provincial delegation from the Diocesan Caritas, have raised a formal complaint to the general direction of the chain by "professional intrusion" and "raise expectations of a better future where there are none there."

Official Invitation Wording

Much pollen, much

On the page where I found the video ( BuzzFeed ) do not indicate which tree is, but I'd say this is a yew, a gymnosperm Taxus gender. is typical of wind-pollinated gymnosperms present pollination, which means that its pollen (pictured, pollen Yew) tries to find the female receptacle traveling air. This is much more hazardous than when animals (insects, in general, but also birds and even small mammals) pollinators. So wind-pollinated pollinated plants have no choice but to make huge amounts of pollen to ensure that some of these tiny packets of male gametes to reach their target. Video
The tree was recorded after several days of intense pollen production have coincided with a time nothing windy. A good jolt was enough to release:

(Image via )

Monday, April 18, 2011

Exposure To Lice 2010

From Astronomy Picture page of the Day (APOD) delight us with this video, created for the documentary Wonders of the Universe, the BBC :

A Cosmological Fantasia from BDH - Burrell Durrant on Hyflo Vimeo.

Some images include: the Carina nebula, in 2:22, the Crab in 7:45 and the Cat's Eye in 8:16, shocking images of a spiral galaxy from the minute past 4 to 5; impressive pulsars and supernovae to the minute 9 and binary systems consisting of a pulsar and an accretion disk to the minute 14 and a half. The rest of the images (all computer-manipulated) represent stars and planets unknown, and strange clouds of gas flowing in unknown locations. What is represented, for example, in the 13:00? If you have any idea, you can leave it as a contribution to the discussion forum of APOD.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Merial Purevax Rabies Canine Vaccine

Show Girls Home Cultural Center San Jose

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tiffany Commercial 2010

Zapatero goes to China in search of investors and returns with a load of

"Something we have had to throw in the drink," he told the English president "because what I understood is that we closed an investment package with China Investment Corporation in the amount of 9,300 million euros . I've asked our Foreign Minister to clarify this mess, I am fully convinced that Trini can. "

Trinidad Jimenez said in a press conference that "we are calling Prime Minister Wen Jiabao to untangle this issue but does not serve anyone by phone. I do not know if it's the time difference or because they have ID calls and go to catch him. " Johannes

The freighter Maersk, with a cargo of 3,000 containers full of kittens of fortune sailed yesterday the Chinese port of Tianjin bound for the English territory.

Meanwhile, from the headquarters of the Danish shipping company, the executive director Christian M. Ingerslev announced Friday at a meeting of shareholders: "I am personally calling the mobile phone of one JLR Zapatero to see which port you want to give you the order but only sputtering 'Inglés no, thank you, my only English' and hang me. To me the peel, the landing in Vigo, which takes me way, and because the bill will come to the address you provided Mr. Wen Jiabao.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Room Heater Trips Circuit Breaker

FRIDA Wonders of the Universe, the robot that will help you ... or you

robot frida
is called FRIDA and has been developed by the technology group ABB as part of Rosetta Project, the European Union. FRIDA, as you can see in the video, is the ideal partner of a worker on an assembly line. As we present it, is perfect for small parts assembly. Among qualities include its human dimensions, allowing it to be placed without disturbing their colleagues (human at all, of course) - or their high level of security. So far, perfect. However ... However
ABB also speak of their extreme strength and agility, which ensures high productivity, or ability to learn new tasks. And as much as we ensure that all work is focused on 'you', I wonder if we should not worry with these proposals. At the end of the day, once made its investment, the humanoid robot does the same thing you can do ... but much better. And besides, I doubt you give for joining a union or to require or demand increase few hours to take a child to the doctor. In short, we trust that the companies that use it to acquire only for those jobs that are difficult to carry out by human beings, who said that. FRIDA
Behold, what do you think?

(Via MetaFilter )

рампу для Tech Deck

"Inquiries Pictorial" by Juan José Wally, opening, San Jose Municipal Cultural Center, April 10, 2011.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wedding Congratulation Wordings D

replaced 50 years of the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin

Yuri Gagarin exactly 50 years ago today, on April 12, 1961, the Soviet spacecraft Vostok 1 off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome into space. On board, a single passenger (not crew as the ship was automated): Yuri Gagarin Alekseyevich , 27 who, upon reaching a 315 km orbit height became the first human to reach space. The trip was brief, one hour and forty-eight minutes, and consisted of a single orbit of Earth. Tajtarova Gagarin landed in Siberia, after a parachute jump. The Soviet government denied this for years for fear of not recognizing the validity of travel by land the ship without a pilot. It is said that the first person who approached him in the farm field that hosted his jump, was a peasant who asked him whether he was from space, he answered affirmatively, then to clarify that anyway, the Soviet era. In the popular imagination is the story that Gagarin had said that they "do not see God anywhere, but apparently it was the then Soviet President Nikita Khrushchev, who said that Gagarin had not seen God in his visit to space. That video is just a bit tricky: no images of Earth taken from the ship.

With this historic first spaceflight of a human being (let's not forget Laika), the Soviet Union took much advantage to the United States in the space race.
Indeed, it is clear the trip was space but very close: the distance the ground that reached the Vostok 1 is comparable to that between Madrid and Barcelona. 'd Bet anything that any newspaper or TV show, recalling the feat, is released with something like "the first traveler to the stars."

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Do Universal Remotes Work For Dvd Player

Yuri's Night (La Noche de Yuri)

Tomorrow marks fifty years since a human being, Yuri Gagarin, moved away from Mother Earth into space. It will then, so when you tell some details of the exploit.
Yes, you advance, if you fancy going, tomorrow there will be plenty of celebrations in honor of Mr. Gagarin on Yuri's Night . In particular, 389 events spread over 68 countries on all continents.

Yuri's night Coincidentally, this April 12, 2011 is also the tenth anniversary of this celebration and the thirtieth anniversary of the launch of the first space shuttle, the Columbia within the Shuttle program .

calls in Spain are:

· Barcelona. An appointment with Yuri Gagarin . Faculty of Physics, University of Barcelona.
· Bertamiráns , Galicia. Observing sky. Riverside walk.
· Cádiz. Commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the flight of Yuri Gagarin . Provincial Public Library.
· Gandía, Valencia. (No data)
· Llinars Vallès, Catalonia. private launch a rocket .
· Madrid. Yuri's dream.
· Ourense. 50 Anniversary First Manned Space Flight . Astronomy workshop Foula Cultural Association.
· Zaragoza. Yuri Gagarin Night . Socco room.
· Zaragoza. And uri Gagarin: 50 Years of the human being in space . Hall Public Library Zaragoza.

The remaining places will find in the event list.
(Via Laughing Squid )

Midnight Hot Ftv Timing

lucky kitties give Barca low Zapatero as a partner until he transferred to what is Cataluña

Framed within the organized protest actions by the Government of the Generalitat, the Board of FC Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhas decided to cancel as a member of the club to Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

This campaign has its origins in the English government debt for the autonomous Catalan in terms of competitiveness refers funds: 1,450 million euros.

"We know that at first may seem a little effective action," said Artur Mas yesterday, "but we are also well aware that little things like this hurt and worn as they come."

Zapatero In June 2009 he was appointed honorary member of the rock Maragata FC Barcelona in the town of Astorga and Leon will be the president of the rock, Pedro González Nistal, who proceed to it to be removed from their files. "The call came from very high," Gonzalez said Nist "and I owe before the club that the government ".

Zapatero struggles with the treasurer of the Rock Maragata in a futile attempt to clarify its position as a partner.

" This is a first step, but not the only, "said Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida as Convergence and Union spokesman in the Congress of Deputies." We were with fellow Catalans that whenever the President Zapatero made intervention in the House will begin to cough or we'll throw the pens to the ground. "

Sources close to the presidency Generalitat mention that the next large-scale action will be talking about President instead of President Rodríguez Zapatero. "If you use the second name is because the former is too vulgar and certainly ashamed. Well, to put up because he's getting tired of hearing it," said one person who would not reveal his identity because his name is Ortega.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Free Kates Playground And Raven Riley

The Loch Ness monster and other criptobichos: The Sleep of Reason

few days ago I introduced the lecture series here "Incredible ... but false , organized by the Science Museum of Valladolid . Last Tuesday, 5 was my turn, with a lecture entitled The Loch Ness monster and other criptobichos: The Sleep of Reason .
Those of TV Arcuva were recording the conference and asked me some questions. Today I report that they have posted the interview on its website. Javier Pelaez, Irreducible , has ripped and put it on YouTube and Amazings , and I took advantage of their good work (thank you very much, Javier) and I presented it below.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Party Christian Songs

San Jose Municipal Cultural Center Inquiries

Day mounting the exhibition "Pictorial Inquiries by Juan José Wally
and" intercourse " Soft Sofia, Gladys Soledad Zambrini and Rolleri.
Opening on Sunday 10 April at 19.30.