Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mount Blade 1,011 Klucz Licencyjny

Man, that multicellular animal

ser humano
Here are some excerpts from the last test I corrected unit 'Man, a multicellular animal' . Mea culpa.

"The core contains the information generitaria."
"The muscle tissue is the third body."
"It's very difficult to get into a cell" (in a question on transport through the membrane).
"A prokaryotic cell is one that has an artificial heart."
"The prokaryotic cell sends information to our body."
"In the chromosomes is the ID information of the embryo."
"The organelles where cellular respiration takes place are pitocondrias."
"The xeno is a fundamental part of the body. When not working You can go to the hospital and put you on a waiting list. When you call you transplanted the xenophobia that is in good condition and function normally "(in a question about xenotransplantation).


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