Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kode Til Gta Vice Sidy

Sites which lay eggs

Nest, where else? As these, so pretty:

nido de pinzon

nido de charran del caspio
Caspian Tern

nido de curucucha

nido de cardenalito del pino
Pine Siskin

nido de golondrina

Fifty photos of fifty nests of different species that you can enjoy the book Nests: Nests Fifty and the Birds That Built Them , photographer Sharon Beals . (Via ).

Monday, March 28, 2011

How Remove Mirrors On Wall Ikea

The NASA photoshop

This is a beautiful portrait of the spiral galaxy NGC 3982 :

 galaxia ngc 3982
is one of the many images we have delighted (and continue to do so) the Hubble Space Telescope, the that for almost a year celebrating its twentieth anniversary . However, the same as those of the highest paid supermodels, or that of the great actresses of Hollywood, trick photography is so appealing is retouched, literally Photoshop. As these amazing women of the magazines on glossy paper, it is so beautiful NGC 3982. The official website of the Hubble feel no compunction to recognize this and also show him in a short video:

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Biopsy For Ovarian Cyst

brain Oda

"Ode to the brain " is the ninth episode of the music videos of popular science project Symphomy of Science. On this occasion rescued sentences filled with music by Robert Winston, Vilayanur Ramachandran, Carl Sagan, Jill Bolte Taylor, Bill Nye and Oliver Sacks. Below I put the letter, this time in English. I have to provide a little effort.

[Robert Winston]
It's amazing to Consider That I'm holding in my hands
The place WHERE someone eleven felt, thought, and loved
For Centuries Have Been Battling scientists
to Understand What this object unappealing is all about

[Vilayanur Ramachandran]
Here is this mass of jelly
Puede hold in the palm of your hands And it CAN
contemplar the vastness of interstellar space

[Carl Sagan]
The brain has evolved from the inside out
It's structure reflects all the stages through which it has passed

[Jill Bolte Taylor]
Information in the form of energy
Streams in simultaneously
Through all of our sensory systems

And then it explodes into this enormous collage
Of what this present moment looks like
What it feels like
And what it sounds like

And then it explodes into this enormous collage
And in this moment we are perfect
We are whole and we are beautiful

[Robert Winston]
It appears rather gruesome
Wrinkled like a walnut, and with the consistency of mushroom

[Carl Sagan]
What we know is encoded in cells called neurons
And there are something like a hundred trillion neural connections
This intricate and marvelous network of neurons has been called
An enchanted loom

The neurons store sounds too, and snatches of music
Whole orchestras play inside our heads

20 million volumes worth of information
Is inside the heads of every one of us
The brain is a very big place
In a very small space

No longer at the mercy of the reptile brain
We can change ourselves
Think of the possibilities

[Bill Nye]
Think of your brain as a newspaper
Think of all the information it can store
But it doesn't take up too much room
Because it's folded

[Oliver sacks]
We see with the eyes
But we see with the brain as well
And seeing with the brain
Is often called imagination


[Robert Winston]
It is the most mysterious part of the human body
And yet it dominates the way we live our adult lives
It is the brain

Friday, March 25, 2011

Remove Rust Brushed Nickel

The shooting of science

Hace unos días estaba explicando en clase de biología los errores del lamarckismo, la teoría de la evolución de Lamarck, cuando uno de mis alumnos me preguntó:
"Carlos, entonces ¿es posible que lo mismo que en el libro de texto viene que el lamarckismo está equivocado, en el futuro los libros de biología say what you tell us as true today is completely wrong? "
I liked that I asked that question, because it squarely on the perception that people have about science, and also because it has a simple answer.
One of the characteristics of science is that its conclusions are tentative but do not take this too at the bottom of the letter. First, because it does not take very clever to see that many scientific discoveries work, because we could say that technology is how we give value to such discoveries. Come that if the aircraft fly, the car navigator to guide us, save us from anesthesia and pain see the pictures on the computer screen is because science has previously reached conclusions very successful.
also quite clear to leave gave me to compare science with the shooting, used the example of the theory of evolution.

diana ciencia tiro blanco
Suppose that absolute certainty is the exact center of the target, a point so tiny stick the dart in it is practically impossible. Yes, you may hit closer to him, we can always approach ever closer to the truth. Until
Lamarck proposed his theory, all naturalists were fixed-comb, and thought that the history of life was substantially as described in Genesis, all species were created relatively recently as we know them today. The dart was not even the target, destroying the wall ended. (Even today, creationists are people who play this game, plying the waiter at the pub).
Lamarck was the first person to propose that species change over long periods of time. Although in theory there are errors (very difficult to detect at the time) the launch of Lamarck was the first to give the target. Okay, not crept closer to the center, but gave the target: evolution is a fact.
Darwin (and Wallace, we might say that threw the dart between the two) polished the ideas of Lamarck removing what was left and adding the ideas of natural selection and random changes, it greatly improved the score he had obtained Lamarck.
With the discovery of biological inheritance and molecular biology, the theory of evolution Darwin was greatly strengthened: all data reinforce it so much that we now know, as Dobzhansky said that "nothing in biology makes sense if is not in the light of evolution. " The dart is touching the highest score. And surely overcome in the future.
You see now what they mean that science is provisional?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Arc Trainer Caloried Accurate

The Barcelona City Council wants to ban walk to over 70

Imma Mayol, Fifth Deputy Mayor and Councillor for the Environment in Barcelona intended to present a plan that would prohibit the movement of vehicles over 10 years old and highly polluting nature.

Francesc Narváez, socialist city spokesman and owner of an imposing Supermirafiori Seat 131 has stated: "Neither we nor can apply that ."

Narváez himself, as a Councillor for Mobility, has countered by proposing a plan to reduce inconvenience to the citizens was to be prohibited to go on the streets persons over 70 years.

"face it", said Narvaez, "these individuals are not only a danger to the rest of the population but also cost a fortune to the municipal emergency services."

A study conducted by the University Distance Sant Miquel del Fai concluded that "individuals born before 1940 are reckless mood, show utter contempt for authority and are prone to chaos and confusion. This, together an alarming lack of reflexes and low bone density, making them perfect cannon fodder when they cross the street. " Mayor Hereu

has softened the tone of the controversial measure, explaining that "at no time will prevent the free movement of our elders, if you never get off the sidewalk. In what we call 'walk of proximity', the elderly are limited to circling the block. On each island is home to at least one bar, a pharmacy, a tobacconist, a Pakistani and a building under construction. "Hereu concludes that" these elements to reach them and feel happy and safe from the dangers of asphalt ".

The municipal People's Party spokeswoman, Alicia Sánchez-Camacho, has denounced the injustice of the measure, saying that" thanks to Hereu and his cronies in the city can hardly go over 30 miles per hour . With those speeds my grandmother can dodge to the dealer's Telepizza. "

Telepizza A dealer said that, if implemented as proposed, "the dealers have more chances to take someone to go if the old are limited to walking down the sidewalk."

How To Get Commercial Planes In Fsx

pentatonic scale, a master class

Do you know the pentatonic scale ? I, unfortunately I have very little musical training, had not heard of it until a while ago (before I wrote this blog) I found this "talk? "Performance? Bobby McFerrin of the World Science Festival 2009. I've turned to run into her, and I can not resist sharing it with you, the end of the day is science and it is beautiful. Is to be enjoyed. A lot.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Abnormal Termination Problem With Rollercoaster 3

your life's work

This morning I have received a job alert like this:
First I must clarify that I am no engineer Caminos Canales y Puertos, or anything that resembles, but on the classification criteria InfoJobs may talk another day.

The screenshot does not read very clearly, but no, I freguéis the eyes, you saw it: the pay is € 6,000 gross per year.

first thing I regret is not knowing anyone with the qualifications required, more than anything to make him a bit of favor and forward the bid if it were of interest, is to leave everything and go after that job , do not tell me no.

The company in question is Olloquiegui Excavations of a village in Navarra, Pamplona Pegaditas, called Esquiroz. In Esquiroz population explosion last year reached the historical low of 390 inhabitants . They are overflowing, but still the unstoppable expansion of the company in question makes the labor shortages in Pamplona merindad. Hence they are looking for professionals and the top of a pine beyond the autonomous region. With these sums of money up front does not have to be a greater problem.

But see further details of the job notice, which is really interesting as I pull this engineering work as needed:

"English construction company looking for personnel to work in Africa."

Well, well, well, this really becomes really attractive. Not just parts of a sueldaco 500 euros a month but also give you the opportunity to see the world. What country in Africa? Anyway! In Esquiroz not entertain this kind of detail.

"It takes experience in public works (earthworks, urbanization, roads) at least 3 years work." Eye

no business here, gentlemen. What if we read between the lines and if we are to what is said in the news lately and know where things are going ... This will be the subject of reconstruction in Libya, but if it is sung!

Olloquiegui results than have a brother who knows someone you install intercoms in the Security Council UN has a contact in NATO, so that they have been awarded a contract to be put to work, clearing up the remains of the palace of Gaddafi, throw dirt over the graves and this kind of things inherent in a civil war. Since then pays the compensation.

"They appreciated the mastery of spoken and written English."

Eye, which is valued not mean to be paid separately, that already includes the offer and it is assumed that the average English language fluent Beckham. In addition, only required to speak and write, to understand not say anything, which is what screwed.

"We need the following qualifications and jobs:
1 Engineer of Roads, Channels and Ports"

One and last. If being called a race with a name that recalls the best years of the Franco regime and access to a wage level that few can reach bullfighters must be the most ...

"Salary negotiable according to value"

Who said Navarre are inflexible? If one shows that it is immune to dengue, yellow fever, West Nile virus, malaria and saves the company the setback itself off work, it can be generous and give an additional incentive, such as free repatriation of the body in case it explodes on a landmine during the execution of the tasks described and earthmoving. Unfortunately

contract duration is 18 months, just when one is already accustomed to the pleasures of life.

Now seriously: at 20h of today there were 177 people enrolled in the tender.

Extremely disturbing ...

Monday, March 21, 2011

How Do You Biopsy An Ovarian Cyst

The earthquake shortened the day, employers and unions discuss Foot on the subject

NASA scientists confirm that the earthquake that struck Japan last March 11 day shortened by 1.8 microseconds.

Although this change is imperceptible to humans in Spain has not been slow to ignite a bitter dispute between employers and major trade unions.

The reason for the controversy is simply to determine on which part of the day should be covered by this decline in time. The president of the CEOE, Joan Rosell, argues that the time be to the detriment of non-working hours while asserting that "it is not the amount of time but the fact itself. You start giving these banners microseconds and you just taking another day of convention or a business properly. "

For his part, Secretary General Workers' Commissions, Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, noted that "the planet's seismic activity has little or nothing to do with the union struggle, but if needed the same thing gives us fight for the quake that the labor movement, those seconds assume that the entrepreneur. "

The Ministry of Labour and Immigration, Valeriano Gomez has tried to mediate in the conflict, noting that "it does not matter that the remainder of the working hours of leisure time, when another catastrophe happens, it makes up and ready."

People's Party spokeswoman, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, has been quick to denounce "the despicable attitude of the Socialist Party so as to please everyone looks forward to a disaster occurrence.

Atopic Dermatitis, Neonatal Food

unforgettable images of endangered species

This is a beautiful video portraits of endangered species in the Americas. With it, Joel Sartore presents his book Portraits of America's Endangered Species , published by National Geographic Society , for which he has worked on numerous occasions.

RARE from Joel Sartore on Vimeo .

(Via Open Culture )

Friday, March 18, 2011

Racquel Darrian Movies

Incredible ... but false

Over the next four Tuesday, the auditorium of Science Museum of Valladolid will host the lecture series 'Strange but false' a good time (do I say one, four!) to see reality (or part thereof) through the glass critical thinking, common sense, as necessary, and unfortunately so little. This is the sign of the cycle, you can see enlarged if you click on it. Anyway, I put down the details.

Tuesday March 22
do we believe what we believe

Is your destiny written in the stars?

Tuesday, 5 April
Monster Loch Ness and other criptobichos: The Sleep of Reason

Tuesday, 12 April
UFO: the invasion that never came

Ricardo Campo

(Yes, I am one of the guest speakers, which I thank my friend Inés Rodríguez Hidalgo, director of the museum).
Anyway, if you're from Valladolid, or you can approach any of these Tuesdays at 7 pm, you're invited. I say this because, well, admission is free. I will be waiting.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bloons Td For Ipod Touch Walkthrough


Mala ciencia de Ben Goldacre es uno de esos libros que todos deberíais leer, porque gira en torno a un montón de errores, manipulaciones o directamente mentiras que pueden afectar gravemente a nuestra salud, por lo que conviene estar bien informado. De ahí que si tuviera que buscar en él un defecto diría que un título más adecuado habría sido 'Mala medicina'.
De cualquier manera podemos aprender ciencia gracias a la mucha mala ciencia que destripa, sobre todo en torno a la etapa principal del método científico (etapa que califiqué como el alma de la ciencia en Ciencia para Nicolás ), la fase test, the stage at which tests the validity of the hypothesis.
An essential element in this stage is the use of a good control, which in the case of drugs not only must show that work better than the placebo effect (how I learned about this reading placebo) but also better than most effective drug known. Analyzing how this control takes place (the 'double blind' is best suited for this type of research) is merciless with Goldacre 'alternative therapists' , whose practices will never improve the placebo, but also with nutritionists (who devotes a substantial portion the text) and the pharmaceutical companies . Come on, that leaves no-headed puppet.
also put in place to media, with its large share of responsibility in matters as serious as the popularization of criminal hoax that the MMR vaccine causes autism. From the ominous communication that make scientific news, says

"On the one hand, they were used reporters to listen with critical ears releases and the information they receive from the press officers, politicians, advertising executives and public relations, vendors, representatives of lobbyists, celebrities and gossip, and for this purpose tend to demonstrate a healthy skepticism. But in the case of science, lack the skills necessary to critically assess the merits of a particular scientific test. At best, they examine the empirical evidence presented by the 'experts' based on the type of people they are, in his apparent authority, or perhaps in the type of institution or company for which they work. Journalists (and many campaigners different) think that this is critically assess a scientific argument and seem proud of themselves when they act like that. "

A final recommendation plus give you an example: please visit the blog daily Malaciencia with information about the book and additional contributions.
(My thanks to Paidós Editions, for his kind sending the book.)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Upset Tummy And Late Period

Bad science!

In a pair of tickets (again over vaccines and vaccines are miraculous ) I have made it abundantly clear that it is totally wrong, if not all criminal conduct, oppose vaccination campaigns. Today I want to emphasize the great advance that has led to universal vaccination, but in a more cheerful. There you I put the song Immunize! of Travi Bruno McCoy and Mars, as it is in English, translate unto you (ahem, a roughly) below.

(I saw it in The Guardian )

inmunizarte I feel like Protect
force of microbes that have never had
I do not want you to take mumps or meningitis
Cough pertussis, hepatitis or flu
But look where you look

In Internet are spreading lies
Parents are frightened by these fairy tales and this hate I have to educate
Many parents frightened by these stories

above are mean "Vaccines are not necessary," to deceive them as Chinese
Now their children have caught pertussis
The clown Wakefield said that "the shots you do autistic
But that fool you paid the lawyers to inflate the statistics
And now the public's ideas are unrealistic
These lies on the internet i have a bad temper
As with aluminum in vaccines, people say, "Oh no!"
But you get more of the diet by eating a couple of tigretones

believe their children sick with flu the flu vaccine
But flu vaccine stops
And what you have is a cold
insist that the vaccine makes you sick than the disease
As I said Gary Coleman , "What are you talking about, Willis?"

But look where you look
Some who call themselves 'experts' are merely spreading lies
Every night on a talk show
would be so great that we all vaccinate
Ooooh we should all be vaccinated Ooooh
should all be vaccinated

Patients ask me what I do for my relatives
Knowing too much medicine
I say that vaccines save more lives than almost anything else I keep
my daughter to travel by car without your seat
Why should I let it get whooping cough, measles or mumps?
This is not what killed Tupac
This is what stopped the polio so that children could walk
Prevent the delay and deafness changed the world
Hits: I'll be putting my daughter
not Chuck Norris, it would weaken
Chuck "need vaccines? No: the vaccines you need him
To infundirte common sense, to do what you
If children are in the yard, not in an iron lung

inmunizarte I feel like
force Protect those microbes that have never had
I do not want you to take the smallpox and rotavirus
The polio, rubella and influenza H
But look where you look
There are actors of B spreading lies
Listen reason, find out the truth before it's too late
we keep kids safe if
vaccinate everyone should Ooooh Ooooh

inmunizarte I feel like

Monday, March 14, 2011

Georgia Drivers Licenses Template


This weekend some friends are married.

After attending a few weddings, I started studying the small world perversions own bridal , especially as far as the dress of women is concerned.

The label made to suffer the rigors and weather, as you can hold the ceremony in the middle of winter storm that shortage of strapless dresses with their backs to the air, miniskirts and fine silk stockings, when he himself would be recessed in a suit goretex, hang a sheepskin and take over a neoprene tights.

The desire to shine requires our guests to voluntarily hand over the pain threshold when, after a thorough field work, find the perfect shoes for the death to attend the grand event.

"I'm not used to walking in heels, but they are nice as could be." O "are a bit narrow and I may be foot gangrene, although you must realize that enhance my smile, stylized figure and match the color of my eyes." Whatever. You know that eventually our partners infallibly shoes before reaching to desserts.

this time What has surprised me is that someone has devised a plan B. I have not yet clear whether the invention has been from the couple or a new line of business that wedding organizers have concocted to bleed even more families to finance the event.

The thing is that half of the ball, which landed relief, appeared a few bags with a shoe like this:

A priori the thing is well thought out but I say that when we sent the invitation by mail and could have sent a box with the dancers of yore. So we would have a less thing to think, spending less on incurring a topic of discussion and marital least face. Needless to say

zapatil sharing was a smashing success. No matter the time spent and the cost invested in the acquisition of suitable shoes for the wedding: two minutes all participants (and some intoxicated Pinrelico gin and tonic in small) sheathing legs in the new couple and left their luxurious footwear and grandparents in a nursing home.

What is not acceptable is that men do not receive attention for such features. That we provide a tracksuit is not asking too much, with which we are satisfied in the Army. In this way we avoid that we leave the tails of his shirt, breaking the tie looser than the jaw of a bakaladero and armpits are soaked as a result of giving everything in the dance floor.

undoubtedly would save on dry cleaning and strengthen our self-esteem.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

High Cervix, Late Period, Negative Test

Reclameitor Bank Strikes (Part IV: letter marked)

This week has become a certified letter from Banco de Calafell. It appears that the claim put just a month ago has given fruit. Read what it says:

"In connection with the contents of the letter dealt with a claim form from the Generalitat de Catalunya in which we expressed its disappointment over poor service and card lock debit of ownership, having been in contact with our e-payment methods and address of the office, here we present our comments.

[Since we are obliged by law to reply to We had to bother other people in our organization, we hope to be happy]
First, you want to report it, committed to quality service, our organization strives to serve our customers and users with the utmost of care and optimal service. Despite this commitment, it can happen in a timely occasion as the present one, it is not possible to serve our customers as it had been our desire. That's why we offer our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this action may have caused you.

[Most of our employees believe that diligence is a horse-drawn carriage, however, overcame all the evidence Psychometric enable them to manage the bank accounts of others]

We must inform you that, once you send the debit and credit cards to the homes of our customers, if after a while determined not been activated for security reasons our organization proceeds to block them. As we moved his office by mistake, we're the first to wish you had not happened, was not notified of this action.

[Although it is logical to block the cards are not activated to avoid falling into the wrong hands, our e-payment methods believed to be more In so doing fun. In this way, we give the opportunity to branch staff to prove they are human beings that make mistakes like you and me]

We thank you we have sent their considerations, and to know the object of our customers and users on a particular operating allows us to repair any impacts that arise and prevent future recurrence. In this sense, we want to communicate that we have taken his comments to those responsible for our institution, for consideration.

[Do not know how happy that makes me get a complaint like yours. You probably have more things important to do but has decided to make ourselves worthy of their concerns. At present hundreds of professionals of this institution are deeply shocked by the letter and met in a room to see what went wrong]

Hoping that the contents of this letter is worthy of your attention, I appreciate that, again, accept our apologies, while Yours sincerely "

[Memories their masters parents]

and signing the director of Customer Service.

It strikes me that the letter been certified, which does not make much more sensitive material such as a credit card. Maybe it into fashion and from now on to customers and users get paid a commission for sending all correspondence certified.