Monday, March 21, 2011

How Do You Biopsy An Ovarian Cyst

The earthquake shortened the day, employers and unions discuss Foot on the subject

NASA scientists confirm that the earthquake that struck Japan last March 11 day shortened by 1.8 microseconds.

Although this change is imperceptible to humans in Spain has not been slow to ignite a bitter dispute between employers and major trade unions.

The reason for the controversy is simply to determine on which part of the day should be covered by this decline in time. The president of the CEOE, Joan Rosell, argues that the time be to the detriment of non-working hours while asserting that "it is not the amount of time but the fact itself. You start giving these banners microseconds and you just taking another day of convention or a business properly. "

For his part, Secretary General Workers' Commissions, Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, noted that "the planet's seismic activity has little or nothing to do with the union struggle, but if needed the same thing gives us fight for the quake that the labor movement, those seconds assume that the entrepreneur. "

The Ministry of Labour and Immigration, Valeriano Gomez has tried to mediate in the conflict, noting that "it does not matter that the remainder of the working hours of leisure time, when another catastrophe happens, it makes up and ready."

People's Party spokeswoman, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, has been quick to denounce "the despicable attitude of the Socialist Party so as to please everyone looks forward to a disaster occurrence.


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